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On The Road

Halloween Street Safety

Keep your community and loved ones safe this Halloween with these quick street safety tips.

by Team Onlia

It’s the time of year when ghosts, super-heroes and witches appear in communities across Canada for a festive night of trick-or-treating! With tons of little ghouls and goblins running from door to door, it’s more important than ever to be mindful of road traffic. Street safety can sometimes be a scary subject to discuss with your children, but this Halloween there’s no need to be spooked. Follow these quick tips to help prepare your family for a safe and fun Halloween.

1. Pick a safe costume

Most of the priority when it comes to a costume is around the obvious factors: awesomeness, comfort, warmth, and ability to maximize speed from one house to the next. A few things often go overlooked and are in fact some of the most important considerations. When picking a Halloween costume, be sure to remember the following:

  • Check if the material is flame resistant
  • Pick a light-coloured costume, or attach reflective strips
  • Ensure it is short enough to avoid trips and falls
  • Make sure masks allow children to see clearly, or use face paint instead
  • Add a light – whether a flashing light or a handheld flashlight

2. Follow some basic trick-or-treating safety tips

With all the excitement of candy collection, it’s easy to want to dash across streets and from door to door. As a trick-or-treater, remember the below quick safety tips to make your experience safe and fun:

  • Follow a U-route by tackling all the homes on one side of the street before crossing over to the next side
  • When crossing the street, use dedicated crosswalks or intersections
  • Look both ways before crossing, and look for any approaching vehicles
  • Where possible, travel in groups and keep a close eye on one another
  • Walk down sidewalks, where possible, and avoid running toward or near the street

3. Take the 30 km/h driving challenge

Halloween safety doesn’t just apply to trick-or-treaters. As a driver in a residential community, it’s important to be cautious and aware of potential witches and wizards roaming the streets. The speed limit in most residential areas in Ontario is 40 km/h. A 2013 study in Toronto showed a significant decrease in pedestrian deaths when speeds were decreased from 40 km/h to 30 km/h – from 12 pedestrians deaths to 0! This Halloween, we challenge you to take the 30 km/h challenge. Be a role model in your community and join the movement by tweeting your support using #30kmhchallenge #OnliaCA.

Do you have any Halloween street safety tips we may have missed? Join the conversation and tweet us your safety tricks (or treats) @OnliaCA #OnliaCA.

Happy Halloween!

Team Onlia

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